Justyna Lipko-Konieczna

Dramaturgist, educator and theatre studies researcher, feminist. Graduate of the Department of Theatre Studies at the National Academy of Dramatic Art in Warsaw and PhD studies at the Institute of Polish Culture, University of Warsaw. Co-creator of the curriculum for post-graduate programme in Theatre Pedagogy (Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute, IKP UW) where she teaches. Since 2012, dramaturgist for Theatre 21 where she combines theory with practice, introducing the perspective of disability studies into the area of the Polish theatre theory. Together with Ewelina Godlewska-Byliniak, she is the editor of books: 21 myśli o teatrze [21 thoughts on theatre] and Odzyskiwanie obecności. Niepełnosprawność w teatrze i performansie [Reclaiming presence. Disability in theatre and performance].