Edwin Bendyk

Writer, journalist, president of the Batory Foundation, until 2020 head of the scientific division at “Polityka”. He specialises in civilizational issues (modernisation, digital revolution, ecology). Author of books Zatruta studnia. Rzecz o władzy i wolności (2002), Antymatrix. Człowiek w labiryncie sieci (2004), Miłość, wojna, rewolucja. Szkice na czas kryzysu (2009), Bunt w sieci (2012), Jak żyć w świecie, który oszalał (2014, together with Jacek Santorski and Witold Orłowski). His latest book W Polsce, czyli wszędzie was published in 2020. Benedyk runs a popular blog called Antimatrix II. From the journal of a cognivoyager. Academic lecturer, head of the Center for Futures Studies at Collegium Civitas, member of the Polish PEN Club and European Council on Foreign Relations.