Katarzyna Czarnota
Sociologist, activist, doctoral candidate at the Faculty of Sociology, Adam Mickiewicz University, student of the Faculty of Art Education and Curatorial Studies at the University of the Arts Poznań. In her research she uses the critical action research methodology, focusing on showing the ways to combine theory with practice, and create models of knowledge production based on questioning the existing divisions and roles. In the recent years she was involved in interdisciplinary projects concerning the so-called refugee crisis, housing, gentrification, neo-racism, and forms of violence against people with the experience of refugeeism and migration. As a representative of Wielkopolskie Stowarzyszenie Lokatorów [tennant association], since 2012 she has been working with the community of Romanian Romani immigrants in Poznań, conducting interventions in response to various forms of violence. Within the activities of Poznańska Garażówka, she co-organises support actions for refugees, and educational activities.