Vanessa Graf

Vanessa Graf is a writer and artist working at the intersection of (digital) technologies, culture, and ecology. She is currently a PhD student in Media Ecology at the artistic-scientific graduate school MAKE/SENSE in Basel (CH), a Junior Fellow at IFK Vienna (AT), as well as a biology undergrad at the University of Salzburg (AT). Her research investigates Cloud infrastructures as embodied media in site-specific contexts, as well as the gap between the Cloudy stories we tell, and the material infrastructures they shroud in ambiguity. 

Vanessa Graf has received several prizes and awards for her work, most recently Upper Austria’s Talent Promotion Award 2021, the advancement award of the 2020 Rauris Days of Literature, the advancement award of the literature biennial FLORIANA 2020, the media scholarship of the National Parks Austria 2020 and the Fohn scholarship 2020.
