Julia Kubisa

PhD with a habilitation degree, adjunct professor in the Faculty of Sociology, University of Warsaw, where she studies genderisation of the division of work, including feminisation and masculinisation of workplaces, as well ad the role of reproductive work. She currently does research on the experience of work in the times of the pandemic.

 Author of “Bunt białych czepków. Analizy działalności związkowej pielęgniarek i położnych” (2014) on trade union acitvities of nurses and midwives, and co-author of “Utrzymać się na powierzchni. O walce z biedą w pięciu krajach europejskich z perspektywy indywidualnego sprawstwa” on fighting poverty (2017) and “Job Quality in an Era of Flexibility. Experiences in a European Context”. In 2015/2016 , Marie Curie Experienced Researcher at the University of Gothenburg. She collaborates with trade unions. At the University of Warsaw she is also the chief expert on gender equality and she works on systemic solutions for equality, such as the Gender Equality Plan for the University of Warsaw, or the social campaign “We are all equal/lly important.”