Tomasz Rakowski

PhD, ethnologist, cultural anthropologist, cultural expert, physician. He works in the Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology of the University of Warsaw, and collaborates with the Institute of Polish Culture of the University of Warsaw. Rakowski conducts research in Polish and Mongolia. He studies bottom-up development processes, anthropology of contemporary and participatory art, ethnographically oriented animation of culture and the latest methodology of cultural research. Author of books Hunters, Gatherers, And Practitioners of Powerlessness. An Ethnography of the Degraded in Postsocialist Poland (2016, 2019),  Przepływy, współdziałania, kręgi możliwego. Antropologia powodzenia (2019), editor and co-editor of collective volumes Humanistyka i dominacja. Oddolne doświadczenia społeczne w perspektywie zewnętrznych rozpoznań (2011), Ethnography/Art/Animation. Unmet Dimensions of Cultural Development (2013, 2015, in Polish), and Pretextual Ethnographies: Challenging the Phenomenological Level of Anthropological Knowledge-Making (2018).