New Alliances in the Times of New Authoritarianisms

Panel discussion with the participation of Bartosz Frąckowiak, Max Cegielski, Inga Hajdarowicz and Yassin al Haj Saleh

In Eastern Europe and the Middle East, we are seeing the development of new forms and methods of authoritarian rule. From anti-refugee practices at the European borders to the attempt to criminalize civil dissent, to the nexus of capital and state, to a new extractivism, states hand in hand with corporate monopolies are escalating new forms of violence and oppression against communities. In this situation, it becomes critical to create new alliances and coalitions as well as support networks that would have the power to oppose authoritarian tendencies and create an alternative world. One of the inspirations may be the old relations between Eastern Europe and the Middle East and North Africa. Our meeting will be devoted to talking about how to respond to this challenge.

The event will be held in English

Bartosz Frąckowiak
Max Cegielski
Inga Hajdarowicz
Yassin al Haj Saleh