What can anarchist management be useful for?

Lecture by: Monika Kostera

“Our times are characterized by the ubiquity of the organization and the destabilization of organized life forms resulting from the erosion of their structural and moral foundations such as long-term employment, social trust or factual compliance with the declared ethical principles”, writes Monika Kostera in her book “Occupy Management: Inspirations and Ideas for Self-Organization and Self-Management” published in 2014. Should we then, in the face of this paradoxical crisis not be looking for a new foundation for organized forms of democratic life in the radical self-organization and self-management practices? An empirical look at this type of undertaking is often carried out under the banner of anarchism – from street demonstrations through autonomic squats and occupant strikes to assistance initiatives for refugees or providing rations for homeless people – it reveals them not only perfectly organized, but also very strongly marked by the ethos – paradoxically – of ultra-civic engagement, which, despite the numerous declarations, has unfortunately evaporated from our public life dominated by (neo)liberalism. In her lecture, Monika Kostera, a specialist in the field of management sciences, tries to outline the horizon of possible practical and ethical inspirations that can be provided by such self-organized practices and ventures.