Michał Pospiszyl

Philosopher, historian of ideas, culture theoretician, associate professor at the institute of Political Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and visiting fellow at the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM), he also collaborates with the Institute of Polish Culture, University of Warsaw. In 2020 he is a co-curator of the series of seminars “Plebs, common goods and alternatives to capitalism” organised by Biennale Warszawa. He recently published in “Teksty Drugie,” “Widok,” “Klio,” and the polish edition of “Le Monde diplomatique,” “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna,” and “Miesięcznik Znak.” Author of the monograph “Stop the history. Walter Benjamin and minority materialism” (in Polish) and co-author – with Katarzyna Czeczot – of the anthology “Romantic anti-capitalism” (in Polish). Michał is a member of the editorial staff at two academic journals: “Praktyka Teoretyczna” and “Civitas. Studia z filozofii polityki.” His main interests include the history of biopolitics, political theology, visual culture and philosophy of the masses. He is currently working on a monograph about medical, political and theological concepts of the plague in late medieval Europe.