Solidarity. The New Project

Director: Paweł Wodziński

In “Solidarity. The New Project” directed by Paweł Wodziński some unique archival materials are used.

In 1981, in the Olivia Hall in Gdańsk, the historical 1st National Convention of NSZZ ”Solidarność” Delegates was held. 900 union members, representing a close to 10 million strong social movement discussed an alternative vision of the self-governing Poland. The play by Paweł Wodziński and the ensemble, based on the shorthand record of the convention and documentary materials is an attempt to look at contemporary possibilities of social self-determination in the face of the rising tide of nationalism and authoritarianism. Is a different kind of politics and different society still possible?

The events of the 1st “Solidarity” Delegates Convention in Gdańsk provided hope that a different society and a different kind of politics are possible. In 1981, for a short moment in the Polish history, an honest attempt was made to realize the idea of political and economic self-governance without class and cultural privileges. An idea from which we are quite far removed today.

The first “Solidarity” prepared and voted on a programme answering the needs of all of its members. Supported by 10 million people, it proposed a different, alternative vision of Poland founded, among others, on self-governance, fair access to public services, as well as environmental protection and social development through culture and education. This unprecedented project was abruptly thwarted by the Martial Law, and after ‘89, the idea of direct democracy was finally put on the back burner, also by “Solidarity” elites that readily implemented models of neoliberal capitalism, effectively cutting citizens off from ideas and opportunities to make the state more social. “Solidarity. New Project” explores the idea of constituting a mass social movement, based on the principles pf direct democracy. It is a performative leaning into the future and an attempt to assess the current chances for self-determination of societies, as a democratic answer to the rise of nationalist spirits and authoritarian actions of authorities.

In “Solidarity. The New Project” directed by Paweł Wodziński some unique archival materials are used. They refer to the social foundations of the freedom movement that Polish Solidarity was. They are presented and performatively recreated in a way that allows to test an idea of building a social mass movement based on the rules of a direct democracy. It is a performative leaning into the future and an attempt to assess the current chances for self-determination of societies which is a democratic answer to the rise of nationalist spirits and authoritarian actions of authorities.

Premiere: 29th October 2017
Time: 2 hours 30 minutes
1 break

W najbliższy czwartek po raz ostatni zagramy spektakl Solidarność. Nowy projekt reż. Paweł Wodziński. W 1981 roku w Hali Olivia w Gdańsku odbył się historyczny I Krajowy Zjazd Delegatów NSZZ „Solidarność“. 900 związkowców, reprezentujących blisko 10 milionowy ruch społeczny dyskutowało nad alternatywną wizją Polski samorządnej. Spektakl Pawła Wodzińskiego i zespołu oparty na stenogramach zjazdu oraz materiałach dokumentalnych jest próbą spojrzenia na dzisiejsze możliwości samostanowienia społecznego wobec rosnącej fali nacjonalizmu i autorytaryzmu. Bilety do kupienia przez GoOut: na stronie i w kasach TR Warszawa.Wejściówki dostępne będą przed spektaklem w TR Warszawa/ATM Studio.

Opublikowany przez Biennale Warszawa Wtorek, 28 maja 2019

Additional information

Materiały filmowe z I Zjazdu Delegatów NSZZ “Solidarność” użyte w spektaklu pochodzą ze zbiorów Fundacji Video Studio Gdańsk.