Edible city. Towards a new model

Project curator: Anna Galas-Kosil

Will care for the planet and well-being of all its inhabitants become a post-pandemic utopia? How will the pandemic affect the increase in environmental awareness, and society’s attempt to live in balance with and close to nature? How, in the coming years, can we create a model that would enable us using the Earth’s natural resources, its crops and goods, in accordance to the needs and safely for ecosystems? The series will conclude with a discussion of circular economy, post-growth and permaculture ideas (understood as working on mutual connections, relations and care for the Earth).

The meeting will be held on Zoom. Registration required (open until 12.04.2021) via the application form on our website. We will e-mail the link to the meeting to registered participants. We are planning a discussion which will be streamed on our Facebook and YouTube channels, as well as recorded and archived on YouTube and in Resources on our website. If you don’t consent to making your image public, we ask you to keep your camera and microphone off throughout the entire event. You can send questions on the chat. We encourage everyone to join the discussion.