Edible City Warsaw

Meeting around the webdoc


Where does the food on our plates come from? Where and how to look for solutions which will enable us to use organic, seasonal and local produce? What are the alternatives to big foodstuff industry? Can the existing initiatives provide direction for the food policy, and can they help us deal with current climate and social change?

We would like to invite everyone to reflect together and discuss the idea of the edible city. We believe that permaculture can become the vehicle for change allowing the redesign food systems in contemporary cities. During the meeting we will talk about two web docs: Edible City Warsaw (prepared by Biennale Warszawa) and Supermarket Museum (prepared by Agro-Perma-Lab Foundation). They both show that it is worth it to support urban farming and gardening, local food initiatives, as well as farmers who appreciate the premises of regeneration and ecology.

We will meet up in the “Motyka i Słońce” Community Garden (Jazdów 3/9, Warsaw). The meeting will last ca. 2 hours. Participation is free. The event is part of the Otwarty Jazdów Festival 2021 

Webdoc Edible City Warsaw was created within the project “Towards solidary nutrition. Warsaw 2030+” financed by the Capital City of Warsaw.