“Edible City Warsaw” – web documentary on the future of nutrition

Press release

What is the future of our nutrition? Will Warsaw join cities like Vienna, London, or Paris that map out trends in urban agriculture and horticulture? Web documentary Edible City Warsaw created by Biennale Warszawa is a futuristic tale of how Warsaw could reclaim food sovereignty. It will have its online premiere on 23 July 2021 and starting at 18:00 it will be made available for everyone at: www.jadalnemiastowarszawa.pl

Imagine a city in which fruit and vegetables grow on urban farms, in community gardens, on rooftops and in backyards. Imagine that your food does not have to travel hundreds or thousands of kilometres, and instead, you have access to fresh produce from local, ecological farms. Imagine that Warsaw, the edible city of the future, transforms into a healthier, more liveable and resilient place.

Which future will you choose?

The starting point of the project is the thesis that the global system based on industrial agriculture, monoculture planting, and soil exploitation deprives people of food sovereignty, i.e. the human right to healthy, local food produced in a sustainable, ecological manner, in harmony with the natural rhythm of the planet. Edible City Warsaw helps imagine the future of the capital in which food acquisition is based on essential permaculture resources, like care for the Earth, care for people and farming geared not toward quantity and profit, but synergy with the planet.

We give voice to five initiatives that can give a new direction to the municipal food policy. These stories show that projects carried out on a small scale have a big impact. Community supported agriculture, food cooperatives, family garden allotments, community gardens, and gastronomy which uses local, seasonal and ecological produce become an important part of the edible city. Boosting them means also supporting real environmental and social change. Representatives of these initiatives talk about how they operate, and discuss the values and ideas behind them. We encourage you to listen to their stories.

Web documentary Edible City Warsaw is the conclusion of the project “Towards solidary nutrition/ Warsaw 2030+” composed of a discursive program, intergenerational workshops and the Forum of Permaculture Educators. An important partner of the project was the Agro-Perma-Lab Foundation which almost simultaneously, on 22 July 2021, will release another web doc, Supermarket Museum which provides a critical look at the “supermarket culture” which displaces the values of social solidarity and ethical food production.  The two web documentaries created in collaboration by two entities: Biennale Warszawa and the Agro-Perma-Lab Foundation, provide two different reflections on how we can recover independency from big food industry and how we can develop and support urban agriculture and gardening, local food initiatives, as well as farmers who appreciate the premises of regeneration and ecology.

The premiere of the first web doc will be accompanied by events planned on Sunday, 25 July 2021 in the Motyka i Słońce Community Garden during the Otwarty Jazdów Festival. At 15:00, during the seed workshop “Let’s sit in the circle of seeds” Wioletta Olejarczyk and Klaudia Kryńska from the Nyéléni Polska food sovereignty network will talk about how to collect seeds from your own crops. At 18:30 we would like to invite everyone to reflect together and join the discussion of the idea of the edible city which will be conducted by Biennale Warszawa curator Anna Galas-Kosil and Klaudia Kryńska from Agro-Perma-Lab Foundation. Admission to the events is free.


Edible City Warsaw
www.jadalnemiastowarszawa.pl / ediblecitywarsaw.com
Premiere: 23.07.2021, 18:00

Curator and script author: Anna Galas-Kosil


Joanna Humka (Kooperatywa Dobrze)
Maciej Łepkowski (“Motyka i Słońce” Community Garden)
Marcin Migała (RWS Marianka)
Marta Traczyk (W Domu Restaurant)
Hanna Wielgus (Family Garden Allotments)

Assistant Dramaturg: Szymon Adamczak

Graphic design and visualizations: Michał Dąbrowski

Website development: Łukasz Grochowski

Musical score: Jan Tomza-Osiecki

Photography: Katarzyna Cegłowska

Voiceover: Justyna Gardzińska

Interview preparation: Joanna Bojczewska, Weronika Koralewska, Anna Galas-Kosil

Edited by: Justyna Kurzawska

Translation: Klementyna Dec

Translation of the poem: Konrad Hetel

Production and coordination: Ela Petruk

Communication & PR: Agnieszka Tiutiunik

Promotion: Klara Duniec

Web documentary was created within the project “Towards solidary nutrition: Warsaw 2030+” carried out by Biennale Warszawa in cooperation with the Agro-Perma Lab Foundation, National Centre for Climate Change (KOKZ) and Nyéléni Polska network. The project financed by the Capital City of Warsaw.


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